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Wisedocs supports Girls Who Code for Women’s History Month

Our Employee Engagement Committee shone a light on Women’s History Month and made a donation to Girls Who Code on behalf of Wisedocs, a non-profit organization dedicated to closing the gender gap in the technology industry.

Published on:
April 19, 2023

For the month of March, Wisedocs launched our Employee Engagement Committee, a safe space where our employees can propose exciting ideas and initiatives at Wisedocs to foster a positive culture at the company. The committee shone a light on Women’s History Month and made a donation to Girls Who Code on behalf of Wisedocs, a non-profit organization dedicated to closing the gender gap in the technology industry. 

Wisedocs’ employees support for gender diversity

Wisedocs cares about our employees' passions, beliefs, and advocacy, thus we created this committee to provide a place to discuss topics that are important to our employees in life and work. By providing an environment to connect with others on how we can bring these topics to light at Wisedocs to empower employees, we hoped to foster great ideas and bring them to fruition. Wisedocs put out the call for employees to voluntarily participate per quarter to come up with any initiatives they thought would bring value to the company, and the outcome for Q1 was a focus on Women’s History Month

Our Employee Engagement Committee (EEC) decided to shine the spotlight on International Women’s Day this past month and dove into initiatives that could uplift both the women at Wisedocs and those in the tech industry. What the team came back with was donating to Girls Who Code, a non-profit organization dedicated to closing the gender gap in the technology industry through a gender specific approach. Girls who Code is changing the tech landscape, by mentoring young women and girls in coding and teaching them the useful skills to lead in the computer science field. This gender specific approach creates girls-only safe spaces to learn the skills they need to succeed, while surrounding them with women in tech, allowing the girls to imagine themselves in tech roles in the future. 

Girls Who Code’s Impact on the Tech World 

Being a SaaS company ourselves, with a diverse leadership and employee base, our team found Girls Who Code to be a perfect fit aligning with Wisedocs’ beliefs and goals. We know the importance and hard work that goes into computer science positions, and without our amazing team of engineers, Wisedocs would not be as strong as we are today. Wisedocs believes that when women are given the right resources, opportunities, and are surrounded by uplifting guidance, they are capable of transforming into great leaders.  

With this in mind, we wanted to encourage the next generation of tech innovators by donating to a cause like Girls Who Code who are dedicated to building an equitable tech industry, reflective of the world we see around us. With only 15.5% of students in computer science courses from grades K-12 being girls in historically underrepresented groups, Girls Who Code’s programs are allowing girls and young women of all backgrounds to explore the world of tech and coding, and pursue a computer science education.  

Why we chose Girls Who Code 

We asked the Employee Engagement Committee members why they chose Girls Who Code as the organization to support, and their following answers reflected the sentiment that women are needed in the tech industry today to make a change for our approaching future. 

Samiha Abedin, member of Wisedocs’ EEC said “I think an organization like Girls Who Code is essential to our society because of their dedication to their mission in closing the gender gap in the tech industry. As a South Asian Muslim woman myself who's just entered the tech field, it’s extremely encouraging and comforting to see such an organization embrace the importance of welcoming and providing girls and young women from different backgrounds, ethnicities, and ages, an opportunity to learn coding.”  

“Choosing GWC not only aligns with our values and reflects the diverse female dominated leadership at Wisedocs, but also allows us to be a helping hand in creating a brighter future for girls who have a passion for programming.” Stated Marie Ubungen, member and future Chair of the EEC, “Getting to see the impact that the women of Wisedocs have had on the insurtech space only shows that when given the right support and tools more women can not only get involved in coding but can become leaders in this industry.” 

Wisedocs prides ourselves on our diverse employee base with a 55% female workforce and a 40% female senior leadership team. We make a point to mentor and foster young women’s careers at Wisedocs, especially those within the tech industry. With women accounting for only 26.7% of the workforce in tech-related jobs, there is immense room for growth and women representation in the tech industry. More than half of women who hold tech jobs, leave the industry by the midpoint in their career due to lack of support and lack of work-life balance. This rate is almost double the leaving rate of men, indicating a change must be made to make the tech industry as diverse and inclusive as the surrounding society we live in. 

When asked why Girls Who Code matters to young women, Delina Fessahatzion, fellow member of Wisedocs EEC said “Girls Who Code is an amazing initiative that helps equip women with the necessary tools to break into the tech field. As someone that started with a biology degree and is slowly making my way into the tech industry, I know there is so much value in providing resources to develop coding skills in order to thrive in this space. I'm proud to be a part of a company where so many of our employees are women which is why donating to GWC was important to us.”  

Women in the Workplace

In a heavily male dominated tech field, in steps Girls who Code. This organization encourages girls and young women from all ages to enter the tech and computer science field, while building confidence and highlighting diversity, inclusion and equity within the industry. They have taught over 500, 000 girls to code with their in-person programs and educational content, with their alumni going on to major in computer science or related fields, 7 times the US average. Their impact in sparking a young girl’s passion and dream of working in computer science does not go unnoticed either. With the percentage of women computer engineers declining from 37% in the 1995 to only 24% today, it is clear that it’s more prevalent than ever to support this cause.  A Deloitte report showed organizations with an inclusive culture is 3x as likely to be high-performing, and 8x as likley to achieve better business outcomes. It’s also been shown in a McKinsey study that companies with gender diverse executive teams had higher business profits

All this is to say that women in the workplace can only benefit a company long term. But how do we get women into these roles? By fostering girls and young women early in their education, instilling them with confidence, and giving them career growth opportunities. Wisedocs’ aim to support this organization goes further than a donation, but through our aligned values for a diverse and inclusive workplace, having recently been recognized as an IWSCC Certified Diverse Supplier.  

By implementing our Employee Engagement Committee Chair position and encouraging young women at our company to grow into their careers, we have announced Marie Ubungen, a medical documentation specialist at Wisedocs and previous member of the EEC, as Chair of the Committee for Q2 of 2023. We’re happy to have Marie take on a leadership role and support her in guiding her peers to contribute impactful projects for the employee experience at Wisedocs on the next quarter’s topic of mental health awareness. 

If you are a woman looking to get into to the tech space or would like to support girls entering the computer science field, get involved with Girls Who Code

Amy Mingopoulos
Marketing Coordinator

Amy Mingopoulos is the marketing coordinator at Wisedocs based in Toronto. She has worked in a wide variety of companies in the fields of healthcare, fitness, and technology. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, cooking, and visiting new restaurants in the city.

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