Are you ready to transform your medical records?
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If you need to access our support and quality assurance team, we are available Monday through Friday from 8AM - 8PM ET. Our sales, marketing, and other teams are available from 9AM - 5PM ET Monday through Friday.
Get in touch with our customer success and quality assurance team.
Responds within 1
business day.
Contact our marketing team for press and media inquiries.
Responds within 3
business days.
Get in touch with our sales team for partnership and reseller inquiries.
Responds within 1
business day.
Get in touch with our operations team for enterprise partnerships, RFI submissions, and vendor security assessment inquiries.
Responds within 3 business days.
Wisedocs is in North America
Find Wisedocs in your city - from our headquarters in Toronto, Canada to our locations in Nashville, Tennesse and Miami, Florida.