How CVE streamlined processing of larger medical briefs by 60-70% with Wisedocs
How Wisedocs became an important part of the way CVE Inc. processes complex medical documents.

CVE Inc. has been providing unparalleled services to the disability community, employers, insurance providers, worker compensation boards, and government ministries since 1993. Wisedocs sat down with them this month to uncover the role automation has played in driving core values around Efficiency, Care, Quality, and Accountability in their business.
"Our documents specialists work in the Wisedocs platform several hours a day," says Dr. Damien Marion, the Manager of Assessment Services at CVE Inc. "Every day through the week, Monday to Friday, we put new cases on the platform. We must have submitted hundreds so far, with thousands of pages. If there are documents to review on a file, we use Wisedocs to help organize and create the medbrief."
CVE processes cases with Wisedocs
Marion says the main differences between processing one of their cases with Wisedocs versus without it is the time that gets spent on it. "The difference is night and day," he says.
"One person is able to go through, organize, catalogue, and if necessary redact information from files that can be thousands of pages long in a fraction of the time they'd need manually. This effectively allows one individual to work on many more briefs each day."
One very powerful Wisedocs feature is that it automatically hyperlinks all the documents in the file. At times CVE has received briefs that do not incorporate this feature, and in the past that has meant looking through files for documents of relevance, particularly when working on larger briefs.
"This can become extremely time consuming," says Marion. "Files that are not prepared using using Wisedocs can take more than 6 hours to review. And as our briefs became more involved and larger, this time only lengthened."
"But using the briefs in Wisedocs has allowed for a very focussed and purposeful review of the file, allowing me to locate files of relevance much quicker and saving me significant time. If a client uses Wisedocs technology in their briefs, it makes accepting their referral much easier, or at least it makes it easy for me to give them priority in my schedule.
Wisedocs briefs are well-organized, easy to navigate, and the hyperlinked documents makes finding the relevant documents in the brief a snap."
Streamline your document processing for medical records and briefs
You can streamline your processing of larger medical briefs by 60 to 70%, as well. Learn more about Wisedocs at or get in touch.