A message from our CEO about running Wisedocs for 2022
This year, Wisedocs has not only grown the size of our team, we’ve also been able to take action on the problems facing the industry, improve our product, and share what we’ve learned. Thank you for an amazing 2022!
As I shared earlier in the year, there has always been a ‘why’ behind Wisedocs. My ‘why’ and drive is simple: I wanted to reimagine the claims space. As a veteran, and as someone with first-hand experience caring for a loved one following a car accident, I knew that the complex, paperwork-heavy process used for insurance, medical, and disability claims needed to change.
During my time in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), I saw the real life consequences of the claims process being manual and slow. Administrative backlogs and privacy issues gave way to larger concerns, like soldiers injured in combat having to spend 18 months navigating the claims process of filing for disability or someone who suffered an accident spending months wading through the process of making a claim. When paperwork delays turn into added stress, at every level of the insurance ecosystem, it’s time for a better way.
This concept has always been my North Star, and in 2022, we’ve made huge strides towards furthering Wisedocs' mission. This year, Wisedocs has not only grown the size of our team, we’ve also been able to take action on the problems facing the industry, improve our product, and share what we’ve learned. By attending industry conferences all over North America, we’ve engaged in the discussions happening across the insurance, legal, and medical claims industry, as well as reflected on new ways for Wisedocs to get involved.
We’ve also been active in engaging with our users and showing what our product can do! By getting to know industry experts through case studies, Talking Wisely podcast, and interviews, we got even more insight into the problems in the claims space and how we can support. We were also able to provide tangible examples of how our product can help these problems get solved. Whether it’s helping companies go paperless, improving workflows, facilitating faster processing times, or generating more accurate data, we’ve worked hard to find — and prove — that there really is a better way to handle medical record reviews for claims.
These are major milestones towards reaching the vision I had back in 2017. What started as an idea is now a real business making real change. I’m even more driven than ever to make a change in the global healthcare landscape, and thanks to the support of the Wisedocs team, industry experts, investors, and our customers, 2022 has brought us so much farther along.
As a veteran, it’s an honor to serve my country and the institution that it represents. My time with the CAF gave me a sense of camaraderie that remains with me today, and taught me the skills I’ve needed to help Wisedocs grow. I'm a big proponent of veterans, and how we can help them get into new situations, new jobs, and new opportunities to harness their expertise. Anyone who has had to go through the claims experience — veteran or no — knows how hard it can be to get your life back on track after an accident, injury, or loss. It’s something near and dear to my heart, and the work we do at Wisedocs is something I’m proud to help build.
When it comes to the claims process, time matters. If we can get back one day, one week, one month, one year, everyone wins. Improving the process doesn’t just help the claimant, it supports the entire insurance and claims ecosystem. Better response times, faster turnaround, improved care pathways, cost savings, and lower premiums compound to deliver a better outcome for everyone involved.
Automation can do so much good for the claims industry, and as we move towards 2023, I plan to continue steering us towards that goal.